Tulip Live-In Care Limited is a Farnham introductory home care agency for live-in carers, companions & housekeepers covering the Haslemere and surrounding areas.
This is the most cost effective solution for live in care at home.
Call 08007720274 or 07747605724 (24hrs).
Live In Care
Specialising in Live In care across London and the South of England.
Support for existing carers when you feel like you need a break.
Night Sit
Providing you care overnight while sleeping at your home.
We match self employed carers and companions to people who wish to continue living in the comfort of their own home and continue an independent lifestyle for as long as possible.
The costs of care
Elderly care costs can be expensive due to the frequency and volume of time required to take care of someone. Using a carer who lives with you not only provides 24 hour support but it works out as better value.
We offer a more cost effective solution, our Live-In 24-hour service starts from £699 per week for single-person care, depending on the patient’s condition and requirements. A typical homecare agency who provide you with their own employed staff would charge around £1,000 per week, thus our solution saves over £300 a week or £1,300 per calendar month.
Areas we coverAreas we cover
Tulip Live-in covers London and the whole of the South East of England.
Dementia UK offers specialist one-to-one support and expert advice for families living with dementia through Admiral Nurses. Admiral Nurses work together with families to provide the guidance and practical solutions they need to live more positively with dementia each and every day.
Call Dementia UK’s Admiral Nursing Direct helpline on 0800 888 6678 or visit www.dementiauk.org
Free national advice line and local advice helps hundreds of thousands of people every year.
From exercise classes to mobility aids, our products and services help make lives easier & safer. We run befriending services, pairing an older person with a befriender to help provide companionship.